Training and Mentoring Workshop Details
Find out more about the training we offer, including what you will learn in each workshop and which prerequisites are required to attend.
When participating in any workshop containing a classroom component, participants should bring a pen, some paper, and photo ID.
For any of our workshops contaning assessments on a live lane (i.e. TTM Worker, Inspector, and any mentoring or practical assessments), appropriate PPE is required. This consists of Safety Glasses, Safety Helmet, Cut-resistant Safety Gloves, Safety Boots, and High Visibility Garment - TTMCW17 (Orange) for TTM Worker and Inspector Workshops, or standard High Visibility STMS garment for any STMS assessment Please be aware, PPE is NOT part of the pricing of our training and is the responsibility of the course bookers and participants.
Find out about the training you require by scrolling down or clicking a link below:
Catering is NOT provided for any of our training.
Inspector Workshop TTM Worker Workshop TMO -NP Workshop TMO Mentoring and Practical Assessment STMS Universal Workshop STMS Cat A -NP Workshop STMS Cat B -NP Workshop STMS Refresher Workshop STMS Mentoring and Practical Assessment STMS Mobile -NP Workshop STMS Mobile Mentoring and Practical Assessment
General Worker Workshop
Pricing: POA
The General Worker Workshop is a 2-4 hour introduction to Temporary Traffic Management (TTM).
It assists PCBUs with better ensuring they are complying with their Health and Safety at Work Act obligations by providing the basic knowledge for working on or around a TTM worksite.
Unit Standard 31957, Level 2, 3 Credits
The General Worker Workshop is a 2-4 hour introduction to Temporary Traffic Management (TTM).
It assists PCBUs with better ensuring they are complying with their Health and Safety at Work Act obligations by providing the basic knowledge for working on or around a TTM worksite.
This workshop teaches you about:
- Common hazards within the working space of a TTM worksite
- The roles and responsibilities of personnel working on or alongside a TTM worksite
- The importance of attending a TTM safety briefing
- Personal protective equipment for working within or alongside a TTM worksite
- Safety zones and no-go zones on a TTM worksite
- TTM equipment used to control worksite access, exit, and haul routes
- How to safely act as a spotter for vehicle manoevres.
Participant Information
This workshop is for workers, labourers or those from other industries who will be working on, or likely to visit, a worksite being managed under TTM.
There are no prerequisites for this workshop.
No refresher required - refreshed by briefing from STMS
This is NOT a Waka Kotahi warranted workshop
TTM Worker Workshop
Pricing: $465.00 + GST per person
This workshop is a prerequisite to the Traffic Management Operative (TMO) workshop.
The TTM Worker workshop consists of a half day in the classroom, followed by a half day training in a safe zone and an assessment in a live lane environment.
This workshop provides participants with the ability to set up and take down worksites clear of a live lane, operate a stop/go paddle, and demonstrate competence as a TTM Worker, under the supervision of a TMO or STMS.
Unit Standard 31958, Level 3, 5 credits
This workshop gives you knowledge of the TTM Worker’s roles and responsibilities, including:
- No go zones (including safety zones)
- Manual handling/lifting of TTM equipment
- Using a stop/go paddle
- Using radio communications
- Set out TTM equipment
- The role of a spotter
- Interaction with people (good/bad practises and dealing with conflict)
- About Traffic Management Planning (TMP)
- Site traffic movements with a Vehicle Management Plan (VMP)
- Skills in performing the TTM Worker role.
Participant Information
This workshop is for workers who assist with temporary traffic managements under direction of the STMS, such as installing, maintaining and removing traffic worksites and operating stop/go paddles.
It is also the starting point for anyone wishing to move on to any of the following roles:
- STMS Cat A, B or C,
- Traffic Operations Manager,
- TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, or TTM Trainer,
- TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator or Corridor Manager.
The following PPE gear is required for this workshop:
- Safety Glasses
- Safety Helmet (with chin strap)
- Cut-resistant Safety Gloves
- Lace-up Steel-capped Safety Boots
- Long Pants
- High Visibility Garment - TTMCW17 (Orange)
There are no prerequisites for this workshop.
None – refreshed by briefing from STMS.
No refresher required - refreshed by briefing from STMS.
This is NOT a Waka Kotahi warranted workshop.
TMO -NP Workshop
Pricing: $395.00 + GST per person
This workshop consists of a one-day knowledge workshop delivered in a classroom by a TTM Trainer.
This workshop covers the theoretical information necessary for a TMO Practicing warrant. This workshop provides the participant with the knowledge required to carry out duties as a TMO.
Unit Standard 31959, Level 3, 5 Credits
This workshop covers the theory of:
- The TMO role (what you can and cannot do)
- Risk assessment and managing risks
- Knowledge of CoPTTM/NZGTTM requirements and how to read a TMP
- Completing inspection activities
- Minding a worksite when STMS is absent
- Completing worksite checks and paperwork
- Briefing visitors
- Managing manual traffic controller (MTC) activities
- Dealing with common worksite situations
- Dealing with the public and working with staff.
Participant Information
This workshop should be completed by anyone who is working towards a TMO Practicing warrant that will be required to:
- Mind a worksite in the absence of the STMS
- Set up a worksite where TTM is clear of the live lane
- Undertake a roadside activity (on 60km/h or less road) where the vehicle is legally parked and accessed from the non-traffic side
- Complete an inspection activity.
And any person who is intending to be:
- An onsite STMS on category A, B, or C road environments
- A Traffic Operations Manager
- A TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, or TTM Trainer
- A TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator, or Corridor Manager.
PPE Gear
PPE gear is not required for this workshop.
The minimum prerequisites for this workshop are:
- TTM Worker Unit Standard, OR
- TC or TC (I) warrant, current or expired
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisite, you will NOT be permitted to complete the workshop, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
The learning consists of a one-day knowledge workshop delivered by a TTM Trainer. This workshop is classroom-based.
The TMO non-practicing warrant must be refreshed every three years by successful completion of:
- A TMO workshop, or
- A TMO refresher workshop
There is a non-practicing TMO warrant (TMO -NP) for this workshop. No ID card will be issued with this warrant.
TMO Mentoring or Practical Assessment
Pricing: POA
This live-lane training includes all closures required to achieve the TMO warrant.
This training requires you to be observed:
- Maintaining a closure – berm activity or footpath control
- Maintaining a closure – lane merge, lane shift, cycle lane diversion, or priority control with TSL
- Undertaking an inspection activity on the shoulder of a category B road environment
- Using techniques to deal with conflict on the worksite
Practical Assessment
Unit Standard 31960, Level 3, 10 Credits
This training requires you to be observed:
- Maintaining a closure – controlling alternating flow
- Installing, maintaining, and removing a shoulder closure worksite clear of the live lane
- Undertaking an inspection activity on a category A road environment.
You must follow requirements and carry out tasks according to your job role and responsibilities at all times.
Participant Information
This training should be completed by anyone who is working towards a TMO Practising warrant that will be required to:
- Mind a worksite in the absence of the STMS
- Set up a worksite where TTM is clear of the live lane
- Undertake a roadside activity (on 60km/h or less road) where the vehicle is legally parked and accessed from the non-traffic side
- Complete an inspection activity.
And any person who is intending to be:
- An onsite STMS on category A, B, or C road environments
- A Traffic Operations Manager
- A TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, or TTM Trainer
- A TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator, or Corridor Manager.
The following PPE gear is required for this workshop:
- Safety Glasses
- Safety Helmet (with chin strap)
- Cut-resistant Safety Gloves
- Lace-up Steel-capped Safety Boots
- Long Pants
- High Visibility Garment - TTMCW17 (Orange)
To be able to register for this training, you must have the following prerequisites:
- Current TMO -NP or
- Current STMS (A/B/C) -NP.
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisites, you will NOT be permitted to do the assessment, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
The TMO non-practising warrant must be refreshed every three years by successful completion of:
- A TMO workshop, or
- A TMO refresher workshop
The TMO practicing warrant is renewed once the TMO practical re-assessment has been successfully completed. The practicing warrant will expire on the same date as the non-practicing warrant.
STMS Universal Workshop
Pricing: $700.00 + GST per person
This workshop consists of a two-day knowledge workshop delivered in a classroom by a TTM Trainer.
This workshop provides base STMS knowledge for the STMS category A, B, or C learning blocks and the STMS Mobile learning block.
Unit Standard 31961, Level 3, 5 Credits
This workshop teaches you:
- Navigating the CoPTTM/NZGTTM
- Reading a TMP and checking that it is suitable for a site (fit for purpose)
- Identifying, assessing, and managing risk
- Understanding layout distances
- Planning a deployment (site setup) and calculating resources
- Completing a TTM crew briefing
- Checking a worksite
- Being a leader.
Participant Information
This workshop should be completed by anyone who is intending to be:
- An onsite STMS on a category A, B, or C road environment or in a mobile operation
- A Traffic Operations Manager
- A TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, or TTM Trainer
- A TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator, or Corridor Manager.
PPE Gear
PPE gear is not required for this workshop.
- TMO current or expired no more than 12 months, OR
- TMO -NP current or expired no more than 12 months, OR
- Current TC, OR
- Current TC (I)
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisite, you will NOT be permitted to complete the workshop, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
There is no refresher workshop for this warrant. Any changes to CoPTTM/NZGTTM relating to universal STMS content will be included in the category A, B, and/or C STMS Refresher workshop.
There is no warrant issued for this workshop.
STMS Cat A -NP Workshop
Pricing: $395.00 + GST per person
This workshop consists of a one-day knowledge workshop delivered in a classroom by a TTM Trainer.
This workshop provides the base STMS knowledge for working on category A road environments.
Unit Standard 31962, Level 3, 5 Credits
This workshop teaches you to:
- Deliver site safety briefings and inductions.
- Calculate layout distances for Category A road environments.
- Set up, maintain, and remove TTM for static operations (shoulder closures, two-way two-lane closures, and multi-lane closures).
- Complete mobile operations and closures.
- Set up, maintain, and remove TTM for semi-static operations and closures.
Participant Information
This workshop should be completed by any person wishing to work on category A roads as an onsite STMS, or any person wishing to work on category A roads while fulfilling one of the following roles:
- Traffic Operations Manager
- TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, or TTM Trainer
- TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator or Corridor Manager.
PPE Gear
PPE gear is not required for this workshop.
- STMS universal, OR
- STMS of any level current or expired, OR
- STMS of the relevant category current or expired.
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisite, you will NOT be permitted to do the assessment, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
There is a 3 yearly refresher workshop on CoPTTM changes - delivered by a TTM Trainer. This renews the non-practising warrant.
There is a non-practising warrant, STMS (A) -NP, for successful completion of this workshop. No ID card will be issued with this warrant.
STMS Cat B -NP Workshop
Pricing: $395.00 + GST per person
This workshop consists of a one-day knowledge workshop delivered in a classroom by a TTM Trainer.
This workshop provides the base STMS knowledge for working on category B road environments.
Unit Standard 31962, Level 3, 5 Credits
This workshop teaches you to:
- Deliver site safety briefings and inductions.
- Calculate layout distances for Category B road environments.
- Set up, maintain, and remove TTM for static operations including shoulder closures, lane closures, lane diversions, and ramp closures
- Complete mobile operations and closures.
Participant Information
This workshop should be completed by any person wishing to work on category B roads as an onsite STMS, or any person wishing to work on category B roads while fulfilling one of the following roles:
- Traffic Operations Manager
- TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, or TTM Trainer
- TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator or Corridor Manager.
PPE gear is not required for this workshop.
- STMS universal, OR
- STMS of any level current or expired, OR
- STMS of the relevant category current or expired.
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisite, you will NOT be permitted to do the assessment, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
There is a 3 yearly refresher workshop on CoPTTM/NZGTTM changes - delivered by a TTM Trainer. This renews the non-practising warrant.
There is a non-practising warrant, STMS (B) -NP, for successful completion of this workshop. No ID card will be issued with this warrant.
STMS Refresher Workshop
Pricing: $395.00 + GST per person
This workshop consists of a one-day knowledge workshop delivered in a classroom by a TTM Trainer.
This workshop covers the differences between the old (Levels) and new (Categories) STMS warrants, as well as any vital new information as required.
This workshop covers the differences between the old (Levels) and new (Categories) STMS warrants, as well as any vital new information as required.
Existing STMS L1 and L2/3 warrants will continue to their expiry date. Prior to that, or no longer than 12 months of the existing warrant expiring, the STMS should attend an STMS Refresher Workshop. Upon successful completion of the Refresher Workshop, they will be awarded non-practicing warrants based on their existing level of warrant:
- L1 STMS will receive the STMS Cat A and B non-practicing warrants
- L2/3 STMS will be awarded the STMS Cat A, B, and C non-practicing warrants
Participant Information
This workshop should be completed by anyone who:
- Holds a current STMS warrant
- Holds an STMS warrant that has expired no more than 12 months prior to the training date
- Holds a current STMS Cat A/B/C which is expiring
PPE Gear
PPE gear is not required for this workshop.
- STMS of any level current or expired in the last 12 months, OR
- STMS of the relevant category current or expired in the last 12 months.
Anyone who holds any STMS warrant that has expired or expires more than 12 months from the workshop date must instead complete the individual non-practicing workshops for each category of road they will be working on.
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisite, you will NOT be permitted to do the assessment, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
This workshop must be attended whenever a warrant is expiring/has expired in the past 12 months, prior to attending any STMS practical assessments.
The previously-held warrant(s) are refreshed to non-practicing status. No ID card will be issued for refreshed warrants.
STMS Mentoring or Practical Assessments
Pricing: POA
This live-lane training includes all closures required to achieve the STMS warrant(s) for STMS Cat A and B.
You are required to be observed completing the closures as set out in the Trainee Assessment document for Unit Standard 31963 relevant to the category of road you are being assessed for.
Practical Assessment
Unit Standard 31963, Level 3, 20 Credits
The assessments will be based on your company and site-specific equipment, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and practices. Tasks must reflect industry best practice and comply with legislative requirements.
You must follow requirements and carry out tasks according to your job role and responsibilities at all times.
Participant Information
This training is for any person wishing to work on category A, B, or C roads as an onsite STMS, or any person wishing to work on category A, B, or C roads while fulfilling one of the following roles:
- Traffic Operations Manager
- TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, or TTM Trainer
- TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator or Corridor Manager.
Please bring:
- Your NSN (National Student Number)
- Photo ID (e.g. Driver’s Licence or Passport)
- Steel-capped Boots
- Compliant STMS Vest
- Safety Gloves
- Safety Helmet
- Safety Glasses
- Long Pants
To be able to register for this training, you must have the following prerequisites:
- Current STMS (A, B, and/or C), and
- TC or TMO current or expired no more than 12 months; or
- STMS practicing of any category current or expired; or
- STMS of any level current or expired
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisites, you will NOT be permitted to do the assessment, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
There is a 3 yearly refresher workshop on CoPTTM changes - delivered by a TTM Trainer. This renews the non-practicing warrant.
The practicing warrant is renewed once the STMS Cat A practical re-assessment has been successfully completed. The practicing warrant will expire on the same date as the non-practicing warrant.
There is a practicing warrant, STMS (A, B, or AB), for this training.
STMS Mobile -NP Workshop
Pricing: $395.00 + GST per person
This workshop consists of a one-day knowledge workshop delivered by a TTM Trainer.
This workshop provides the base knowledge for undertaking mobile operations on either category A and B road environments or the shoulder of category C road environments.
This workshop is not appropriate if the person is required to be in charge of mobile operations to install, maintain or remove TTM at static worksites. The STMS category A, B, or C learning blocks cover this activity.
This workshop teaches you to:
- Complete risk assessment for the mobile activity
- Calculate layout distances for mobile operations
- Complete mobile operations and closures
- Complete semi-static closures.
Participant Information
This workshop is for any person wishing to complete mobile operations as an onsite STMS.
This warrant is not appropriate if the person is required to be in charge of mobile operations to install, maintain or remove TTM at static worksites.
PPE Gear
PPE gear is not required for this workshop.
- STMS universal, OR
- STMS of any level current or expired, OR
- STMS of the relevant category current or expired
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisite, you will NOT be permitted to complete the workshop, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
There is a 3 yearly refresher workshop on CoPTTM/NZGTTM changes - delivered by a TTM Trainer. This renews the non-practising warrant.
There is a non-practising warrant, STMS (M) -NP, for successful completion of this workshop. No ID card will be issued with this warrant.
STMS Mobile Mentoring and Practical Assessment
Pricing: POA
The trainee will be mentored and assessed by a TTM Assessor on the practical components of this role.
There is no Unit Standard for this training.
You are required to be observed completing the Mobile activities in the TMP provided.
The assessments will be based on your company and site-specific equipment, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and practices. Tasks must reflect industry best practice and comply with legislative requirements.
You must follow requirements and carry out tasks according to your job role and responsibilities at all times.
Participant Information
This training is for any person wishing to complete mobile operations as an onsite STMS.
This training is not appropriate if the person is required to be in charge of mobile operations to install, maintain or remove TTM at static worksites. The STMS Category A, B, or C training covers this.
Please bring:
- Your NSN (National Student Number)
- Photo ID (e.g. Driver’s Licence or Passport)
- Steel-capped Boots
- Compliant STMS Vest
- Safety Gloves
- Safety Helmet
- Safety Glasses
- Long Pants
To be able to register for this training, you must have the following prerequisites:
- Current STMS (M) -NP, and
- TC or TMO current or expired no more than 12 months*; or
- STMS practicing of any category current or expired; or
- STMS of any level current or expired
*This is not required if either of the other two prerequisites are met.
Please ensure you meet the prerequisite for this assessment.
If you do not meet the prerequisites, you will NOT be permitted to do the assessment, and if our standard cancellation criteria are not met as per our Terms and Conditions, the workshop will be fully chargeable.
There is a 3 yearly refresher workshop on CoPTTM changes - delivered by a TTM Trainer. This renews the non-practicing warrant.
The practicing warrant is renewed once the STMS Mobile practical re-assessment has been successfully completed. The practicing warrant will expire on the same date as the non-practicing warrant.
There is a practicing warrant, STMS (M), for this training.
Inspector Workshop
Pricing: $395.00 + GST per person
This workshop consists of a half-day knowledge workshop delivered in a classroom by a TTM Trainer, followed by a half-day assessment that includes undertaking inspection activities in category A and B road environments.
This workshop provides the base knowledge for completing inspection activities in category A and B road environments and on the shoulder of category C road environments.
There is no Unit Standard for this workshop.
This workshop teaches you:
- About the Inspector role
- About TTM and the requirements for inspections
- How to read the TMP and comple on-site records
- Risk identification and management
- Acting as spotter for an inspection activity
- Briefing of TTM personnel (e.g. spotters and observers)
- Emergency procedures
- Working around an inspection vehicle
- Safety (no go) zones
Participant Information
This workshop is for any person wishing to conduct inspection activities and who does not need to hold other TTM warrants. This may include surveyors, provided their work fits within the range of inspection activities.
Staff who are regularly involved in the installation of TTM which may include inspecting or carrying out non-invasive work, are not eligible for the Inspector warrant and must hold the appropriate TTM warrant.
The following PPE gear is required for this workshop:
- Safety Glasses
- Safety Helmet (with chin strap)
- Cut-resistant Safety Gloves
- Lace-up Steel-capped Safety Boots
- Long Pants
- High Visibility Garment - TTMCW17 (Orange)
There is no prerequisite for this workshop.
There is no refresher workshop for this warrant. The holder will be refreshed by a briefing from an STMS for any changes to the CoPTTM/NZGTTM that impact the inspector’s work activity.
The holder must successfully complete a practical reassessment every 3 years.
There is a practicing Inspector warrant (Inspector) for this workshop.